Station Details page

There are 2 ways to get to the Station Details page where you can find all the available information regarding each AIS-receiving station that belongs to the MarineTraffic Network:

  1. Click on the Details & Statistics button on the Station's InfoWindow


       2. Click on the Station's Name after having performed a search in the Data Exploration Tool. Make sure that the result refers to an AIS station and not to another object of maritime interest.


In any case, you will be transferred to the respective station's Details page.

The name of the station and its distinctive ID number are shown on the page header along with the flag of the country the station is located at and its status (green=online / red=offline / orange=low coverage). 

More information on the subject station is shown below (Latitude / Longitude, Elevation, Operated By, Equipment Description) as provided by the station's operator.

Note I: If you click on the coordinates of the station, it will enable you to view it on the MarineTraffic Live Map.

There is, also, a MiniMap of the area around the station. The area covered by the station as well as all the recent positions that have been recorded by it are displayed simultaneously on it (click on the adjacent Coverage and Positions tabs to exclusively display the respective information on the MiniMap). You can also click on the Vessels in Range option and view, directly on the Live Map, which vessels' positions are currently being received by the subject station.


The station's Current Status & Statistics table contains information regarding the station's Status, its Availability percentage (online hours out of total hours for the past 3 months), Average and Max Reception distance (in NM), Distinct Vessels and Total Vessels' Positions Received in the past hour and, finally, Area Covered (in km²)

There are also the Period Statistics and the AIS Message Types Statistics tables which provide you with extensive information about:

  • the subject station's performance during the past months 

  • an analysis of picked-up AIS messages by type

On the right side of the Station Details page, the available information is presented with the use of comprehensible plot diagrams.

Just above the top two diagrams, there are the Average & Max Reception Distance, Received Vessels & Positions, Area Covered in square km tabs which enable you to select the displayed information on them.

The plot diagram which is on top displays information on an hourly basis for the past 7 days.

The other diagram displays information on a daily basis for the past year.

The next diagram provides you with a visual analysis of the AIS Messages that the subject station has been receiving. You are able to view the available information on an hourly or on a daily basis. You can also monitor the station's real-time performance.

Note II: You can zoom in to particular areas of the diagrams and take a closer look by simply selecting them (click and drag your mouse to define the plot area you are interested in).

Finally, two Polar Charts are also available so that you can view the Max Distance and the Number of Positions in relation to the station's actual location!