New map and vessel details page are horrible.



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    Anastasiya (she/her)

    Hello Arnar, 

    I would like to thank you for taking the time to reach out and share your feedback about the new LiveMap.

    Rest assured that I have already forwarded it along to the appropriate team for review.

    While the new map layout was a business decision, it is crucial for us to be aware of what dedicated users such as yourself are thinking about this change.

    The new version was a result of long term user feedback among other things, but we of course understand that the MarineTraffic LiveMap has been the same for a very long time and we sincerely welcome your thoughts regarding the layout.

    For anything else that you may need, or wish to share, please do not hesitate; I am here for you and happy to assist.

    Kindest regards,

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    Arnar Björnsson

    Thanks, one more thing I just noticed with the live map. If I go to the dark map (dark mode), the font retains some sort of artistic style or whatever where sure it's sorta light and readable if the font is over the dark area of the ocean.

    But if it's like series of fjords and the name goes "on land" then the font is in a very similar light-greyish tone making it almost unreadable. It really should have some outline or a completely different colour to the ocean AND the land portions.

    I'll attach a screenshot, from southern portion of Westfjords, Iceland. There are series of various narrow / small / etc fjords there with long names and all that.

    Makes this unusuable if I'm told, for example, "so and so boat is in blahblah-fjord / a whale stranded in so-and-so-fjord, please see if someone is nearby or if you could check it out" then I'd honestly go to google maps to use alongside Marine Traffic's live map (for nearby boats and such AIS locations etc) .

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    Paul Moar

    Hi Arnar, every single person I speak to says they hate the new style Marine Traffic.


    It's not about "getting used to it".  The whole website is horrendous and the viewing figures must be down through the floor.



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    Lynn Underwood

    I've used the live map for a long time, but it's no longer of any use to me. Unfortunate, misguided. It was a wonderful product before.

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