web page code error



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    Vasiliki (she/her)

    Dear Gordon,

    Thank you for contacting MarineTraffic.

    I can see that you have already integrated our embed map into your system and it is properly shown on your website.

    I can properly open the website and load the map, as you can see n the screenshot below:

    Can you please clarify if you cannot see that view?

    I will remain at your disposal,

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    Gordon Bermingham

    Hi Vasiliki  thanks for the quick reply. 

    This is strange.  On windows 10 , Firefox and Chrome browsers show the map OK, but the Opra does not show the map. On my Android 11 phone and my Chromebook, using chrome, the map does not show. Inspecting the Chrome page the console errors above are reported.

    Can I ask what OS and browser you used to get the screenshot you shared?


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    Vasiliki (she/her)

    Hello again,

    Thank you for your reply.

    I use Google Chrome, which is the browser I retrieved the screenshot.

    However, I tested this in Opera, as well and I was able to see the embed map.

    Can you please check the settings of your browser on that device, in case something is blocked there?

    I hope you will resolve the issue soon.

    Kind regards,

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